Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Short and sweet summary of the previous post

I just read this post on and saw this picture:
The gist of the post is that bikers should ride in the green area, since the red area is the door zone area. Instead of making wide bike lanes in the door zone and then telling people not to use them, shouldn't we just make the bike lane narrower and place it where the green line is? I'm pretty sure we could do this without requiring more road width. In place of the red, unusable bike lane we could just install the diagonal/hash line danger markings. This would then give parkers some breathing room as well. Cyclists would still have a lane to "feel safe" in, but they would be encouraged to ride in the correct position on the roadway.

Be sure to read that post as well, since it spells out one view of the reasoning behind installing bike lanes.

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