Sunday, August 2, 2009

An easy fix for the door zone bike lane problem

The solution is called back in angle parking:
As I mentioned in my second post, although I really like the idea of bike lanes, there are some serious issues with many of them as they currently exist. The worst is the door zone bike lane issue, depicted here:

The solution removes the door zone in the bike lane problem and is safer than drive in angle parking, where the parking spots and cars go the opposite way. This takes up a greater width of the road, but allows more cars to be parked in a given length of one side of the road than parallel parking. By removing parking altogether on the opposite side of the road as the angle spaces, road width may actually be freed up (for wider sidewalks or bike lanes of course) without seriously impacting the parking supply on the road. By varying which side of the road has parking, chicanes can be implemented, turns can be made tighter (or wider) and intersections could be improved, all of which benefit every user of the road. Here's some bad GIMP-work for you:
Apparently Burlington, VT uses back-in angle parking. Here is their informative write up on it.

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